Accessible Web Design in Richmond, VA: How RVA Site Co. Prioritizes Inclusivity

Unlock the potential of your business with a website that welcomes everyone. Discover RVA Site Co.'s approach to accessible web design in Richmond, VA, where inclusivity meets innovation.

Two Modern Women Make Purchases On Websites Using A Mobile Phone
A portrait of the author, Kyle Van Deusen.

Kyle Van Deusen

Have you ever walked through a Richmond market on a busy Saturday morning? You’ll see a lively mix of people, each with their own stories, needs, and ways of experiencing the world (this, at the RVA Big Market, is actually what made our family fall in love with this town). Now, imagine if some of the stalls were unreachable to those who couldn’t step over a high curb or read a sign in tiny print. That’s a day-to-day reality for many when it comes to navigating the web.

Let me tell you about Sarah. She’s a friend of mine, a fantastic artist, and she’s visually impaired. One afternoon, we were looking at a website together, trying to find a local gallery’s new exhibition. But the site was a maze of untagged images and confusing navigation—essentially a “closed” sign for Sarah and others who rely on screen readers.

That was a wake-up call for me. It was clear that as a web designer in Richmond, I had the power to create spaces that were open to all, not just some. At RVA Site Co., we take that to heart. We’re in the business of making sure that everyone, no matter their ability, gets to participate in the bustling digital marketplace of our times.

So, let’s talk about what web accessibility really means, why it’s crucial for businesses in our community, and how we make it happen. It’s about ensuring no one misses out on what Richmond has to offer, even online.

In this article:

RVA Site Co. in Richmond, VA makes websites easy for everyone to use. We think about all kinds of people when we design, making sure the sites work for those who see, hear, or move differently. Our team knows how to build websites that don’t leave anyone out. We ask questions to make sure we do it right and keep learning to stay on top of the best ways to include everyone.

Understanding Web Accessibility

Web accessibility is the practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by people with disabilities. When your website is accessible, users with diverse abilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the web. More than that, they can contribute without hindrance. It’s not merely about altruism; it’s functional, practical, and inclusive design at its best.

Consider these real-world examples of web accessibility features:

  • Text Alternatives: For every image, video, or audio file, there’s text that can be read by screen readers. This isn’t just about descriptions; it’s about ensuring information conveyed through visuals is also shared in text.
  • Content Structure: Using headers correctly isn’t just for looks; it helps users with screen readers understand the layout and flow of your page. Think of it as a map of a park – without it, you might know there are trees and paths, but you wouldn’t know how to navigate them.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Not everyone can use a mouse. Some people rely on keyboards or specialized devices to move through a website. Designing for keyboard-only navigation means ensuring you can tab through content and interactive elements in a logical order.
  • Color Contrast: It’s not just about aesthetics. Adequate contrast between text and background is crucial for readers with low vision or color blindness. It’s like trying to read a sign that’s been sun-bleached – a high contrast makes the difference between clarity and confusion.
  • Captions and Transcripts: For users who are deaf or hard of hearing, captions for videos and transcripts for audio content are indispensable. It’s like attending a concert and having a personal interpreter by your side, translating every note into a form you can appreciate.

The ADA’s Title III has been increasingly interpreted by courts to include digital spaces, meaning your website is expected to be as accessible as your physical storefront. Not adhering to these principles isn’t just a disservice to a significant portion of the population; it could also lead to legal challenges.

Understanding web accessibility is like learning a new language—the language of inclusive design. And just like any language, it takes time to become fluent. But it’s well worth the effort because it allows everyone to speak and be heard.

The Impact of Inclusive Design

Inclusive design doesn’t just open doors for individuals with disabilities—it has the power to broaden your audience and enhance the user experience for all visitors. Statistics show that around 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability. That’s a substantial market segment that can’t be overlooked. In the U.S. alone, the disposable income of adults with disabilities is around $490 billion, according to the American Institutes for Research. By ensuring your website is accessible, you’re not just doing good—you’re tapping into a market that’s too often neglected.

But the benefits don’t end there. Here’s how inclusive design affects all facets of user experience and business:

  • Enhanced Brand Perception: Companies that prioritize accessibility are seen as socially responsible, which can enhance brand image and loyalty. A survey by Cone Communications found that 87% of consumers prefer to buy from companies that advocate for social issues.
  • Wider Audience Reach: An accessible website is essential in a world where over 4 billion people are online. By catering to everyone, you’re not limiting your audience, potentially increasing your reach and customer base.
  • Improved SEO: Search engines favor accessible websites. Many accessibility practices, such as clear content structure and descriptive alt texts, align with SEO best practices, potentially boosting your search rankings.
  • Reduced Legal Risk: With the rise in ADA Title III lawsuits, ensuring your website is compliant reduces the risk of costly legal challenges. In 2018, there was a 177% increase in lawsuits related to digital accessibility compared to the previous year.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: An accessible website can lead to better conversion rates. For instance, after rebuilding their site with accessibility in mind, eBay noticed a significant increase in customer satisfaction and sales, underscoring the business case for inclusive design.

Inclusive design is more than a checklist—it’s about shaping a digital experience that reflects the diversity and inclusivity of our community. It’s not just about avoiding negative consequences like legal actions or alienating a portion of the market; it’s about embracing the opportunity to create a platform that truly welcomes everyone. And when you do, the return on investment can be seen not just in your bottom line but in the trust and loyalty of your customers.

RVA Site Co.’s Approach to Accessibility

At RVA Site Co., we see accessibility as a journey rather than a destination. It’s an evolving process of learning, implementing, and adapting to ensure that everyone can navigate and enjoy the websites we build. Here’s how we approach this journey:

Our Design Philosophy

  • We believe in Accessibility by Design: Accessibility isn’t an afterthought; it’s woven into the fabric of every site from the outset, from wireframes to launch.
  • Best Practices Are Just the Beginning: We aim for WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) compliance as our baseline and build from there, always exploring how we can push the envelope further.
  • Education is Key: Through my other company’s web series, “Accessibility Weekly,” we share insights and tips, fostering a culture of awareness both within our team and the broader community.

Our Process

  1. Initial Assessment: We start by listening, learning about your business, and understanding the specific needs of your audience.
  2. Collaboration with Experts: While we strive for the highest standards, when there’s a need for specialized legal compliance, we partner with third-party experts to ensure no stone is left unturned.
  3. Implementation: Here’s where our expertise shines. We:
    • Integrate accessibility features, like keyboard navigation paths and screen reader-friendly content.
    • Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) labels where necessary to enhance semantic information for assistive technologies.
    • Conduct user testing with a diverse range of users to ensure practical usability.
  4. Ongoing Education: Accessibility standards and technologies are always advancing. We stay on the cutting edge, continually educating ourselves and our clients on the latest developments.
  5. Feedback Loop: The conversation never stops. Post-launch, we encourage user feedback to refine and optimize the accessibility of the website.
A screenshot of the Accessibility Checker plugin dashboard showing a 95% score along with color blocks of metrics.
We use tools, like Accessibility Checker, to make sure all our content is tested for accessibility and manually reviewed.

By embedding these principles and processes into our work, we create websites that aren’t just accessible but are a pleasure to navigate for all. It’s our way of contributing to a more inclusive digital space—one website at a time.

Key Accessibility Features

Creating an accessible website means ensuring that it serves the needs of all users, regardless of how they interact with it. Here are some of the key features that enhance accessibility:

  • Alt Text for Images: Provides a text alternative for images, helping users who rely on screen readers to understand visual content. For example, alt text can describe the action in a photo or the purpose of an infographic.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Ensures users can navigate your site using only a keyboard. This is essential for people with motor disabilities who may not be able to use a mouse.
  • Text and Media Adjustments: Allows users to modify text size and media controls. This caters to users with visual impairments who may need larger text or those with cognitive disabilities who benefit from having more control over media playback.
  • High Contrast Mode: Offers an option to switch to a high-contrast color scheme, aiding users with visual impairments such as color blindness to differentiate elements on the page.
  • Captions and Transcripts for Audio and Video: Provides access to multimedia content for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. Captions capture speech and sounds, while transcripts offer a text-based version of the content.
  • Clear Form Labels and Error Messages: Makes it easier for users with cognitive disabilities to input information and understand any mistakes they may need to correct.
  • Consistent Navigation: Keeps menus and navigation consistent across the site, which helps users with cognitive disabilities and those who struggle with complex or unpredictable page layouts.
  • Skip Links: These are links that allow users to skip directly to the main content, bypassing repetitive navigation links. This feature is a time-saver for keyboard and screen reader users.
  • ARIA Landmarks: Use ARIA roles and properties to identify features like banners, navigation, and main content, which is particularly useful for screen reader users to understand the layout and navigate more efficiently.

These features collectively work towards making a website not only compliant with accessibility standards but also genuinely usable for people with a range of disabilities. At RVA Site Co., we don’t just tick boxes; we integrate these features thoughtfully to ensure they genuinely serve the users they’re designed for.

Ensuring Expertise in Web Accessibility

Taking your business online is a significant step, and ensuring that your website is accessible to all should be part of your digital strategy. While you don’t need to become an expert in web accessibility yourself, it’s crucial to partner with someone who is. Here are some questions to help you gauge whether a potential web developer can build an accessibility-focused website:

  1. Can you provide examples of accessible websites you’ve developed?
    • Look for evidence of their commitment to accessibility in their past work.
  2. Are you familiar with the WCAG guidelines? What level of compliance do you aim for in your projects?
    • The developer should be knowledgeable about the latest WCAG standards and aim for at least AA compliance.
  3. How do you approach testing for web accessibility?
    • Ensure they have a robust process for testing, including automated checks and user testing with individuals with disabilities.
  4. Do you offer ongoing support for maintaining web accessibility?
    • Accessibility needs to be maintained over time; the developer should offer support as technologies and content change.
  5. Can you describe how you’ve handled accessibility challenges in previous projects?
    • Look for problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to overcoming accessibility barriers.
  6. How do you ensure that accessibility is integrated into the design process from the beginning?
    • Accessibility should be part of the design process from the start, not retrofitted later.
  7. Are you prepared to work with third-party auditors for accessibility compliance if needed?
    • In some cases, especially for legal compliance, third-party verification may be necessary.

Having an accessible website is not just a legal safeguard; it reflects your business’s values and commitment to serving every customer with dignity and respect. Ethically, it’s about acknowledging the diversity of human experience and ensuring equal access for all. Legally, it mitigates the risk of ADA compliance issues, which can be costly and damaging to your brand.

An accessible website isn’t just a facet of customer service; it’s an embodiment of your brand’s philosophy. It sends a message that you care about every member of your community. By choosing a web developer with the right expertise, you invest not only in the integrity of your online presence but also in the inclusive future of the digital landscape.

Embracing Inclusivity in Digital Spaces

As we’ve journeyed through the nuances of web accessibility, it’s clear that this isn’t just about following guidelines or checking off boxes. It’s about fostering a digital environment where everyone has equal access to information, services, and opportunities. We’ve uncovered the essentials of web accessibility, delved into the profound impact of inclusive design, and equipped you with the right questions to ensure your web presence is as accessible as it is impressive.

Choosing to make your website accessible is choosing to stand for equality and inclusivity. It’s about making a positive statement that every member of our Richmond community matters. From an ethical standpoint, it’s the right thing to do. From a legal perspective, it’s the smart thing to do. And from a business angle, it’s an astute investment that widens your reach and deepens customer trust.

If you’re ready to take that step toward creating an accessible website that reflects your brand’s commitment to every customer, RVA Site Co. is here to guide you. We’re not just web designers; we’re advocates for an internet that’s usable and enjoyable for everyone. Reach out to us, and let’s build a web experience that truly embodies the spirit of inclusivity.

Together, let’s pave the way for a more accessible and inclusive digital future.

Kyle Van Deusen

Kyle is the owner of RVA Site Co., a resident of Richmond, Virginia, and a father of 3. He has over 2 decades of experience helping small businesses with their marketing and design.

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